Becoming a Member

Come visit and observe our karate class - If you decide for yourself or on behalf of your child/children to stay 



 * Any new member/parent or guardian wishing to gain membership must sign and return a completed Membership Form before training may commence *




Membership fees apply to all members which includes the WSKF Association embroidered badge. 

Annual Membership Fee

  • Association Membership and Registration with: 

      -  The World Shotokan Karate-do Federation in Japan,

      -  WSKF Ireland

  • Registration Book
  • Public Liability Insurance.                                                               Single member:  €70.00 /pa

                                                                                                            Junior member:  €60.00 /pa (u.16)


                                     * All members must pay annual membership and class fees as prescribed *                         

Class fees                                                                               €10.00

                                                                                                                          Per Class

Family Rates:  * Class fee Discount of 10% available for two or more students (same family) *


* Class fees will be collected at class or per payment schedule to help with the financial running of the club *


Membership Benefits of SEDAI


  • Traditional and Sport Karate
  • Highly qualified, experienced instructors
  • Association Membership and Registration with WSKF Japan & WSKF Ireland
  • Structured Programmes & Gradings
  • Access to regional, national and international events open to your rank
  • Access to coaching and refereeing clinics both national and international 
  • Grade for rank twice per year
  • Access to internationally renowned instructors
  • Access to ONAKAI (National Governing Body) - Ireland
  • Access to high level NGB programmes for EKF, WKF & Olympics
  • Garda Vetted

Short Rules Guide 


  • It is the duty of the member/parent/guardian to inform club coaches of any medical conditions or special requirements of any club member
  • All club members must wear the necessary safety equipment e.g. protectors, gum shields
  • Training will commence at the times specified. All club members are required to ‘sign in’ as proof of attendance
  • Respect for club members, equipment and coaches must be observed by all members
  • Coaches will act in the best interest of all members equally, their decisions must be respected
  • Coaches will act within the strict guidelines of proper procedure and appropriate conduct when dealing with members.
  • Good conduct is a requisite, both inside and outside the club.
  • The official child welfare officer and Designated Person for the club is Sorcha McCorry & Collette Miles McCorry
  • All club members are advised to read and abide by club rules.

We are available to answer all of your queries - please do not hesitate.

Speak to an Instructor or contact us through the contact details on this site