SEDAI & Generations Fit

SEDAI & Generations Fit
May 10th 2021 - Update on Covid-19 Restrictions
Guideline Extract
From 10 May 2021:
- You can travel outside of your county.
- People from 3 households can meet outdoors (including in a garden), or 6 people from any number of households.
- Fully vaccinated people can meet indoors with other fully vaccinated people (up to a maximum of 3 households).
- Fully vaccinated people from a maximum of 2 households can meet indoors with unvaccinated people from one other household.
- Hairdressers, barbers and other personal services can reopen by appointment.
- Non-essential shops can offer click and collect services by appointment. Outdoor retail, like gardening centres, can reopen.
- Outdoor training can start for adults in pods of up to 15.
- Church services can be held. This does not include communions and confirmations.
- Museums, galleries, libraries and other indoor cultural activities can reopen.
- Outdoor organised events can take place with up to 15 people in attendance.
- Weddings can have 50 people at the service. Up to 15 can go to outdoor wedding celebrations and up to 6 can attend indoors.
- Funeral services can have up to 50 mourners.
Dear Member/Parent Guardian,
Under the newest Regulations our return to Outdoor Training classes is now extended to and includes all our members, children and adults. This is IN ADDITION to our ONLINE DOJO and schedule. Booking is still advised to facilitate all students. These times are provisional based on suitability of conditions and preference.
We ask that you continue to familiarise yourself and practice the guidance protocols and Information set out in the guidelines available on Government websites and in COVID-19 Resilience and Recovery 2021: The Path Ahead.
Attached is the Self Assessment Screening form and ask that you please ensure to complete, sign and return to us, preferably by email/electronic means before the training session.
Please keep watching for updated schedules on classes, times and bookings. If you have any queries whatsoever, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We wish to thank you for your patience and support during this time.
Lets stay safe and healthy together.
Sincerely yours in karate
Francisco Astudillo Pena & Sorcha McCorry
SEDAI & Generations Fit
April, 2021 - Update on Covid-19 Restrictions
Dear Member/Parent Guardian,
Under the newest Regulations we will be returning to our Outdoor Training classes under the current protocols as of the 26th of April. These activities are
IN ADDITION to our ONLINE DOJO and schedule. Booking is advised to facilitate all students. These times are provisional based on suitability of conditions and preference.
Please familiarise yourself and practice the guidance protocols and Information set out in the guidelines available on Government websites and in
COVID-19 Resilience and Recovery 2021: The Path Ahead.
Attached is the Self Assessment Screening form and ask that you please ensure to complete, sign and return to us, preferably by email/electronic means before the training session.
Please keep watching for updated schedules on classes, times and bookings. If you have any queries whatsoever, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We wish to thank you for your patience and support during this time.
Lets stay safe and healthy together.
Sincerely yours in karate
Francisco Astudillo Pena & Sorcha McCorry
Below - extract from the latest Government guidelines
From 12th April
- Any meetings outdoors should be safe with continued practising of social distancing and other safe behaviours. Masks should be worn in crowded outdoor spaces
- travel restrictions will be relaxed to enable travel within own county or within 20km of residence if crossing county boundaries
From 26 April (subject to prevailing public health situation)
Activity | Guidance |
Outdoor Sport | Outdoor sports facilities can reopen (for example: pitches, golf courses and tennis courts, other facilities as appropriate) |
Outdoor Attractions | Outdoor visitor attractions can reopen (for example: zoos, open pet farms, heritage sites). Amusement parks are not permitted to open |
Underage Sport | Underage non-contact outdoor training in pods of 15 or fewer can restart |
The current measures announced will continue up to the 4th of May, at which point other measures will be under consideration:
COVID 19 - Phase III - Return to Sport – Indoor and Outdoor Guidance
Dear Member, Parent/Guardian, of WSKF Sedai and Generations Fit,
Under Covid Phase III protocols a return to conducting our classes indoors, will take place from the 29th of June 2020. We will also be continuing with a range of online and outdoor classes under the current protocols.
Temporarily, until the Skerries Rugby&Sailing Club and reopens, we will be holding our classes at the Studio, Cathbad, Blacklands, Skerries, K34 H735. As space is reduced, we will hold three classes on karate specific evenings starting at 6.00, 7.00 & 8.00 p.m. respectively on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday to accommodate students wishing to train in the dojo. Booking a place will be essential to facilitate all students. These times are provisional based on suitability and preference.
We ask that you read, familiarise yourself and practice the guidance protocols sent with this letter which are also available on The Karate Consultants website.
We have also attached a Self Assessment Screening form and ask that you please ensure to complete, sign and return to us, preferably by email/electronic means before the training session. .
We hope you are finding useful and are enjoying our training videos and tips on YouTube, Facebook and Karate Consultants and invite you to like and share with your friends and subscribe to our connected media sites.
We wish to thank you for your patience and support during this time.
Please keep watching for updated schedules on classes, times and bookings. If you have any queries whatsoever, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Lets stay safe and healthy together.
Sincerely yours in karate
Francisco Astudillo Pena & Sorcha McCorry