SEDAI&Generations Fit
For any further information please send an email to
Contact us also on:
Francisco Astudillo +353899884213
Sorcha McCorry Astudillo +353 861569828
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Zoom classes
Outdoor Classes
Outdoor and Indoor locations are listed below
Please Note that due to Covid Restrictions Club training will take place through ZOOM and at our Outdoor locations

Outdoor Training Locations
1. The Green, Kelly's Bay (opp Skerries Point S.C.)
2. The Park at The Tennis Courts
3. The Parklands, Rathmore Rd, Lusk, R127 - (Entrance to Lusk United AFC)
4. Fairview Park: Clontarf West, Fairview, Co. Dublin, D03 XF90
Indoor Training Locations
1. Skerries Sailing Club, Harbour Road, Skerries
2. Skerries Rugby Club, Holmpatrick, Skerries
3. Hombu Dojo @ Cathbad, Blacklands, Skerries
4. Av de Santiago, 168 1- Derecho, CP: 32001 Ourense, Galicia, España.
5. Rua Paseo dos Amieiros, 3-B, P-04 H, CP 32890, La Valenza- Barbadas, Ourense, España

Address details: Sailing Club
Harbour Rd, Skerries, Co. Dublin, K34 KX03 , Ireland

Address details: Rugby Club
Holmpatrick, Skerries Co. Dublin, K34 C927 Ireland

Address details: The Green, Kelly's Bay
Skerries, Co. Dublin, K34 KC92

Address details: Parks @ The Tennis Courts
Tennis Court Lane, Skerries, Co. Dublin,

Address details: The Parks, Rathmore Road, Lusk, R127
(entrance to Lusk United AFC)

Address details: Hombu Dojo
"Cathbad", Blacklands, Ballykea, Skerries Co. Dublin, K34 H735 Ireland
Address details: Fairview Park: Clontarf West, Fairview, Co. Dublin, D03 XF90

Address details: Av de Santiago, 168 1- Derecho, CP: 32001 Ourense, Galicia España

Safe Return to Training During Covid-19

Zoom classes